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→Felipe Solis Olguin Death Caused President Barack Obama's Swine Flu Scare
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Felipe Solis Olgin, director of Mexico's National Museum of Anthropology , caused President Barack Obama's swine flu scare. On April 16 three days after the swine influenza virus broke out in Mexico, Felipe Solis, 64, hosted Barack Obama at his museum when the President paid a one-day trip to the country's capital Mexico City before travelling on to attend the Americas summit in Trinidad and Tobago. Unfortunately, one week after that meeting, Mr. Felipe Solis, a distinguished archaeologist, passed away. As it was first thought Solis died from "flu-like symptoms, many concerned the President may have a brush with the swine flu virus. To their relief, the White House now said Obama’s health was not in any danger, "The president’s trip to Mexico has not put his health in any danger," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said in a press conference.“The incubation period is 24 to 48 hours and we have been back from Mexico for nine days now. The doctors say he was not at risk.” Solis’s death cause was confirmed as pneumonia by Health Minister Jose Cordova, but's official obituary said he suffered a heart attack.
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