Monday, April 16, 2007

NASA Astronaut Runs 'Marathon' In Space

    Astronaut Sunita Williams has become the first astronaut who officially participated in a marathon in space.
    She started her version of the Boston Marathon on Monday, running on a treadmill 210 miles above Earth undeterred by the wind and rain facing her Massachusetts counterparts.

    Already traveling at 17,500 mph, Williams started the race on time at 10 a.m. EDT with race No. 14,000 taped to the front of the treadmill. Two lap top computers were on either side of the treadmill so she could watch a live feed of the race from Boston and keep track of where the space station was flying.

    Restrained to the treadmill in a harness so she wouldn't float away, Williams ran at a brisk pace at the start of the 26.2-mile race.

    "Marathons are hard on the body," she said. "It's hard on the machine. I hope both of us survive."

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NASA Astronaut Runs 'Marathon' In Space

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