It's really a medical rarity! Ame (left) and Lia
(right), the Million-to-one sisters
born just minutes apart on the same day to the same mother - but they're NOT twins.
Ame, the younger baby, arrived first weighing 4lb 13oz, was born at 29 weeks. And her sister Lia was much bigger 6lb 11oz, was born at 32. But they were born on the same day.
The reason is their mother Amelia Spence pregnant twice in three weeks [what's the unbelievable is that she had took the contraceptive pills].
Doctors have explained that Amelia Spence's is a rare case of superfetation, where the body carries on releasing more eggs for fertilisation after a pregnancy has already occurred.
Technically, Ame-Lia sisters are not twins. Identical twins occur when one egg splits into two and non-identical, or fraternal, twins occur when two eggs are released and fertilised at the same time.
Source: Born on the same day to the same mother - but they're NOT twins @ Dailymail
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→Million-to-one Ame Lia Sisters - Born on The Same Day to The Same Mother - But Not Twins
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