Thursday, May 31, 2007

First Bred-in-captivity Panda Released into the Wild Dies

    Xiang Xiang dies Five-year-old male panda Xiang Xiang who last year became the first to be released into the wild after being bred in captivity in Sichua Wolong Giant Panda Research Center, has died, Xinhua news agency said today.
    The body of Xiang Xiang was found February 19 on snow-covered ground in the forests of Sichuan province in China's southwest, but not report until May 31.

    The long delay in announcing Xiang Xiang's death was attributed to the need for a full investigation.

    He survived less than a year in the wild after nearly three years of training in survival techniques and defense tactics.

    Photo below shows that Xiang Xiang, whose name means Auspicious, is being anaesthetized for a health checkup the Wolong Giant Panda Protection Research Center on April 27, 2006.
    Source: Xinhua | Sh-daily

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First Bred-in-captivity Panda Released into the Wild Dies

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