Monday, May 21, 2007

Fisherman Hooked 'Extinct' Dinosaur Fish

    coelacanth caught in IndonesiaIndonesian fisherman Yustinus Lahama hooked a rare coelacanth off Sulawesi island near Bunaken National Marine Park, Indonesia. The coelacanth (pronounced SEE-la-kanth) was believed to be extinct together with dinosaurs for 65 million years until one was found in 1938 off the east coast of South Africa

    After what the four-foot, 110-pound fish was confirmed, this rare creature was taken to a quarantine pool where it only survives 17 hours and proud marine biologist Yustinus Lahama from Sam Ratulangi University had a chance to be snapped posing with his prize-catch.

    The powerful predator only living deep and cold-sea environment is highly mobile with limb-like fins. It gives birth to live young rather than laying eggs. Source: CBS | DM

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Fisherman Hooked 'Extinct' Dinosaur Fish

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