Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"e-cig" - The Cigarette Without Smoke

    Smoke without the fire - the cigarette that's legal indoors The six-inch white plastic stick called "e-cig" is a new type of cigarette without smoke which can be entirely legal indoors.

    This Chinese-made device uses a battery-powered atomiser to create realistic puffs of "smoke," while the tip glows red with each suck.

    It can afford smoker a strong kick of nicotine from "nico-filter" cartridge, even has no harmful side-effects because there is no smoke or tar.

    A starter pack includes the cigarette, one filter and a recharger for the battery costs £50. The filter will provide enough nicotine for about 350 puffs, equivalent to about 30 cigarettes. And replacement packs of six filters cost £10 each.

    Smoke without the fire - the cigarette that's legal indoors1
    Source: Smoke without the fire - the cigarette that's legal indoors@DM

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"e-cig" - The Cigarette Without Smoke

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