Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Argentina's First Lady, Aims for the Presidency

    Cristina fernandez de kirchner, Argintine First Lady

    Cristina Fernandez de kirchner photo: Wikipedia

    Cristina Fernandez de kirchner, the wife of Argentinian current President Néstor Kirchner, is a long time senator for Buenos Aires Province. In July 2007 she was officially confirmed as the ruling Front for Victory party's candidate for the presidency of Argentina in the general election scheduled for October 28, 2007.

    According to 10 different polls published today Oct. 21, Cristina Fernandez would receive more than 45 per cent of the vote or exceed 40 per cent with a lead of more than 10 percentage points over the second-place finisher, a wide enough margin to win in a first round of voting.

    If elected, Fernández de Kirchner would become Argentina's second female president, but the first to be elected. Link

    Update: Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, called the new Evita or Argentina's Hillary Clinton, has won the Argentine elections on Sunday, October 28, becoming the first of the famous first ladies to win the presidential election and the first elected woman president in the country's history.

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Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Argentina's First Lady, Aims for the Presidency

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