Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lettuce Dogs

    lettuce dogs

    From Metro

    Here we get a glimpse into the secretive world of lettuce-transportation, as the lettuce-dogs of Fuzhou, China, go about their daily work.

    While some parts of the world are shifting away from a dog-based model, and you will rarely see a lettuce-dog in the UK outside of Cumbria, China still transports over 99% of its lettuce by dog.

    lettuce dogs 2

    Note that the dog on the left is transporting what appears to be a courgette. This is normal for dogs who are still in their training period - 'pale fronds', in the jargon of lettucewrangling - or who have been demoted as a punishment for dumb insolence.

    I don't know why the Metro report claimed that China still transports over 99% of its lettuce by dog. According to the report from the Chinese media, these three (pet) dogs are trained by its owner Mr. Wang, which may not reflect other people who are doing the same thing in China.

    lettuce dogs 1

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Lettuce Dogs

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