Friday, June 29, 2007

Atmosphere of Jupiter Undergoing Dramatic Changes

    Jupiter undergoing dramatic atmospheric changes

    From the website:

    Massive Jupiter is undergoing dramatic atmospheric changes that have never been seen before with the keen "eye" of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. Jupiter is changing its stripes, perhaps because its seasons are changing, scientists reported on June 28, 2007. Between March 25 and June 5, 2007, Hubble's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 captured entire bands of clouds changing color. The image at left shows a thin band of white clouds above Jupiter's equator. The white color indicates clouds at higher altitudes in Jupiter's atmosphere. In the image at right, the band's white hue has turned brown, showing clouds deep within the planet's atmosphere. The whole band appears to have merged with the one below it.


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Atmosphere of Jupiter Undergoing Dramatic Changes

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