Saturday, June 30, 2007

Hamas 'Mickey Mouse' 'Martyred'

    Hamas Mickey Mouse

    From BBC:

    A Palestinian TV station has killed off a controversial Mickey Mouse lookalike [see the Youtube video below] that critics said was spreading anti-US and anti-Israeli messages to children.

    The Hamas-affiliated al-Aqsa channel aired the last episode on Friday, showing the character, Farfur, being beaten to death by an "Israeli agent".

    "Farfur was martyred defending his land," said the show's presenter Saraa.

    Israeli critics had said the show was outrageous and some Palestinian ministers tried to get it shelved.

    In the final broadcast an actor said to be an Israeli agent tries to buy the land of the squeaky-voiced Mickey Mouse lookalike.

    Farfur brands the Israeli a "terrorist" and is beaten to death.

    He was killed "by the killers of children", Saraa says.

    Al-Aqsa television told the Associated Press news agency the show, Tomorrow's Pioneers, was making way for new programmes.

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Hamas 'Mickey Mouse' 'Martyred'

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