Friday, June 29, 2007

No Matter Zonkey or Deerba, It's Offspring of Zebra Mother and Donkey Father

    zonkey or deebraAnother interesting story after we had an atypical zebra-horse hybrid--Eclyse. From MSNBC

    ST. THOMAS, Barbados - It's male.  But what is it?  A zonkey? A deebra?  That's the debate in Barbados since a zebra gave birth to a foal sired by a donkey.

    Alex was born April 21, a milk-chocolate brown creature with the black stripes of a zebra on his ears and legs.  His face looks more like a horse, with a distinctive black "V" patch on the forehead.

    While zebra hybrids are not uncommon, most Barbadians have never seen anything like [Zedonk] Alex.

    His mother, Allison, is one of two zebras brought to the Caribbean island from Botswana, in southern Africa, in the early 1990s.  The other is George and both live at Highland, a six-acre ranch where goats, sheep, ducks and donkeys roam free.

    George, however, suffered a long illness, and Allison became friendly with a donkey....

    via Neatorama

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No Matter Zonkey or Deerba, It's Offspring of Zebra Mother and Donkey Father

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