Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Anne Lauvergeon, CEO of French Nuclear Engergy Company Areva

    Anne Lauvergeon, CEO of French Nuclear Engergy Company Areva

    Anne Lauergeon picture (Teh Eng Koon/AFP)

    Anne Lauvergeon, 48, is the woman who runs Areva SA, the French nuclear energy company which has vast expertises in building power plants, mining and processing uranium and disposing of spent nuclear fuel. Lauvergeon, now one of the most powerful women in French business, has led her company achieved $11.6 billion in revenue in the first nine months of 2007. During a recent trip to China along with President Nicolas Sarkozy, she signed an €8 billion ($11.9 billion) commercial-power contract which was going to sell China the most-advanced-on-the market European pressurized reactors. Lauvergeon was so jubilant right after the signing ceremony, no wonder she rewarded Sarkozy with a heart-felt kiss. Tags: , , , ,

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Anne Lauvergeon, CEO of French Nuclear Engergy Company Areva

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