Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tacky Taste Awards 2007

    britney spears bald head picture

    • Britney Spears - ”She parties the night, loses custody of her kids, has drug-test problems, crushes a guy’s feet with her car, runs red lights with kids in back seat, and looks like a sausage packed into a bikini on the VMAs, where she forgets to sing.”
    • Sarah Silverman - “She’s dirty and nasty
    • Vanessa Hudgens - “She’s supposed to be a role model to young kids everywhere
    • Rosie O’Donnell - “She’s gone from being terrific to terribly tacky
    • Paris Hilton - “She deserved to be punished, not applauded for being “brave.”
    • Alec Baldwin - “His out-of-control rant against his young daughter was beyond tacky
    • Ellen DeGeneres - “Sobbing over a dog on TV, Tacky set of priorities
    • Denise Richards vs Charlie Sheen - “Tactless, shameless and clueless
    • Lindsay Lohan - “Starting a relationship with a fellow rehabber, who was in a serious relationship at the time. Not just tacky — skanky.”
    • Paula Abdul - “Everything about her reality show, ‘Hey Paula,’ was tacky, from her erratic behavior to her public meltdowns.”


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Tacky Taste Awards 2007

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