Thursday, November 29, 2007

Princess Diana Watched Dodi Fayed Die

    Princess Diana and lover Dodi Fayed memoir

    Princess Diana watched lover Dodi Fayed dying after the fatal car crash at Pont de l’Alma Tunnel on August 31 in Paris, testified Sebastien Dorzee, who is a Parisian police who is the first member of the emergency services to reach the scene, before an inquest held on November 28 in London. Mr. Dorzee said:

    “The Princess had half-turned round in relation to her initial position and her head was between the two front seats, facing sideways and she could see her boyfriend just in front of her.”

    “She moved, her eyes were open, speaking to me in a foreign language. I think that she said ‘My God’, on seeing her boyfriend dying. At the same time she was rubbing her stomach, she must have been in pain. "

    “She turned her head towards the front of the car, saw the driver and then I think she had an even better realisation of what was happening. She became agitated. "

    “A few seconds later she looked at me. Then she put her head down again and closed her eyes.”

    As  the inquest is still under way, Mohamed al-Fayed, Dodi's father still believes his son and Diana were killed by British security services on the orders of Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth's husband and Diana's former father-in-law.

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Princess Diana Watched Dodi Fayed Die

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