Sunday, November 25, 2007

Julia Carson Suffering Terminal Lung Cancer

    Julia CarsonCongresswoman Julia Carson revealed she has terminal lung cancer in a statement Saturday November24 to the Indianapolis Star newspaper. Carson expressed her" eternal gratitude" to family, friends and her constituents.

    Carson, a Democrat who has represented Indianapolis at the Hoosier State's 7th District in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1997, has been on leave from Congress since September to seek treatment and rehabilitation for a leg infection.

    "Then the second shoe fell -- heavily," Carson said in the written statement. "My doctor discovered lung cancer. It had gone into remission years before, but it was back with a terminal vengeance."

    Today Sunday friends said that she is in hospice care, barely able to speak.

    We hope Julia Carson can be well.

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Julia Carson Suffering Terminal Lung Cancer

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