Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Steve Fossett's Wife Asks Court to Declare Dead

    peggy fossett and steve fossett picture

    Peggy Fossett and husband Steve Fossett

    Peggy Fossett, the wife of millionaire American adventurer Steve Fossett, who disappeared in the remote terrain of western Nevada while flying the single-engine Citabria plane on September 3, has asked a court to declare him legally dead.

    "As painful as it is for Mrs. Fossett, other members of the family and his many friends, it is time to initiate this process," said attorney Michael A. LoVallo, who filed the petition in Cook County Circuit Court.

    The request was understood as a step toward resolving the legal status of Fossett's estate, which according to court papers is "vast, surpassing eight figures in liquid assets, various entities and real estate."

    Source: ChicagoTribune & LiveNews Tags: , , , , , , ,

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Steve Fossett's Wife Asks Court to Declare Dead

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