Thursday, November 1, 2007

Google Stock Surpasses $700

    google stock

    I'm sure that those who had sold Google stock when it surged to $600 must have regretted, as almost no one is certain Google stock can gain $100 more with in a month

    Google Inc. shares surged past $700, adding $100 in less than a month and confounding analysts who said it would take longer.

    When Google topped $600 for the first time on Oct. 8, more than two-thirds of analysts tracked by Bloomberg predicted it would rise no higher than $625 within a year. The shares reached that level two days later and today [Oct. 31, 2007] climbed $12.23 to $707 on the Nasdaq Stock Market.

    During that 6½-week stretch, Google has created an additional $53-billion in shareholder wealth. That dwarfs the total $41-billion market value of another Internet icon, Yahoo Inc. of Sunnyvale, Calif., which had a four-year head start on Google.

    Sources: Bloomberg & theGlobeandMail

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Google Stock Surpasses $700

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